C# Introduction

.Net framework supports multiple programming languages like C#, VB, F#,  etc. C# (pronounced C-Sharp) is mostly used language in .Net technology. C# derived from the C, C++, and Java programming languages, so it is easy to learn. It is general purpose, modern, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. C# is primarily applications like windows applications, web application, web services, and much other application in C#. 

Features of C#:

1. Simple:

C# is derived from C, C++ but it removes some complexities in these languages like macro, virtual base class, pointers. Most of the syntax in C# are similar to these languages so it is easy for the peoples who are familiar with C, C++ or Java to learn C#.

2. Modern:

It is modern programming language and provides many modern programming features to developers like garbage collection, exception handling, and code security. All these features helps to develop reliable and industry standard software.

3. Object oriented:

C# is object-oriented languages and it supports all OOPs concepts like inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism and abstractions. As C# is object oriented language you can divide code into classes and methods and reuse it many times. You also can create reusable class libraries.

4. Type Safe:

C# is type-safe language and a programmer must declare data type of variable before using it. You can not assign value of one data type to another data type directly.  The type safe feature guarantees the security of data. All primitive data types in C# like integer, float, string etc. are derived from the Object. C# code is run under the environment of CLR (Common Language Runtime). CLR checks the data types in code and guarantees type safe code.

5.  Powerful and flexible:

C# can be used to develop many types of application like desktop applications, web applications, and mobile applications under the environment of .Net. 

6. Garbage collection and automatic memory management:

In C# there is no need to allocate memory for your variable manually, C# automatically allocate memory for variables when they are created. Garbage collection is also one of the reasons for using C#. Garbage collector is feature of CLR which frees the memory. There is no need to delete objects manually, garbage collector checks for unused references and cleaned up that memory. It is background process.

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